Our firm's top priority is our partners’ continuous support with information – in that spirit, please find some of the latest news related to our office’s recent events, legal and industry updates, our colleauges’ successes and other news below.
The Book of Lists presents the "Best of the Best" list of Hungarian national and international law firms with variety of legal services that have been recommended in 2016. SBGK is among the top 18 law firms.
More >>SBGK and its individuals are highly recommended in patent prosecution, litigation and transactions matters by IAM Patent 1000.
More >>Acquisition International awarded SBGK with „Most innovative firm in Hungary”, by which it recognized the corporate identity change of the firm put through in 2015 and its continued strong market presence.
More >>On March 23, 2016 the new EU Trademark Regulation enters into force
More >>The Hungarian Parliament adopted the legislative proposal, which granted further time limit of one year to the foundations, associations and limited liability companies with share capital of less than 3 million Hungarian Forints in order to comply their articles of association with the new Civil Code. The adopted amendment grants additional preferences to the associations and foundations regarding the compliance with the new Civil Code.
More >>January 15, 2016 - SBGK’s trademark team was again recognized as “second to none” in Hungary
More >>Continuing our decade-long tradition, the SBGK Client Appreciation and Cultural Night was organised again this year. We invited our Clients to our reception, combined with the exhibition "PICASSO - Transfigurations, 1895-1972" of Hungarian National Gallery in the Buda Castle.
More >>The Book of Lists presents the "Best of the Best" list of Hungarian national and international law firms with variety of legal services that have been recommended in 2015. SBGK is among the top 15 law firms.
More >>November 14, 2015 - Outstanding Lawyer Award is one of the legal profession’s highest recognition, presented yearly by the board of the Hungarian Bar Association to lawyers who master their profession.
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