Our firm's top priority is our partners’ continuous support with information – in that spirit, please find some of the latest news related to our office’s recent events, legal and industry updates, our colleauges’ successes and other news below.
The Hungarian Association for the Protection of Industrial Property and Copyright organized its usual autumn conference between 4 and 5 November, 2021 in Budapest. Due to the current epidemic situation, this year the conference was organized as a hybrid event.
More >>It is a great honor and an important professional achievement that our partner, Dr. Enikő Karsay, was one of the speakers of the "Annual Conference on EU Copyright Law 2021" organised by the Academy of European Law. This year’s conference, which was held in hybrid form, was attended by several participants from the field of copyright, well-known lawyers, high level experts and prominent figures in academia.
More >>In September 2021, for the fourth consecutive year SBGK Partner, Péter Lukácsi delivered a public lecture within the framework of the EUIPO Trade Mark and Design Education Programme.
More >>SBGK was established by recognized and prominent attorneys at law and patent attorneys in 1969, the predecessors and founders of our office have been in the service of Hungarian patents for 125 years.
More >>The Hungarian Association for the Protection of Industrial Property and Copyright and the Hungarian Intellectual Property Office co-organized the association's usual autumn IP conference between 5 and 6 November, 2020.
More >>On September 21, 2020, Dr. Péter Lukácsi, partner, attorney at law delivered a public lecture on the distinctive character of designs within the framework of the EUIPO Trade Mark and Design Education Programme (ETMD EP).
More >>Eight partners of SBGK will serve as members of the Council of Copyright Experts during the newxt five years term.
More >>The Institute of Professional Representatives before the European Patent Office (epi) elected Zsolt Szentpéteri as Deputy Treasurer and thus a member of its Board.
More >>SBGK further strengthens its presence on the Hungarian market promoting three of its attorneys at law, Dr. Boglárka Borbély, Dr. Ádám György and Dr. Krisztián Osztopáni to partners.
More >>We hereby inform you that in view of the epidemiological situation caused by the Covid-19 virus, the administration before the domestic courts, the Hungarian Intellectual Property Office, EUIPO, EPO and the WIPO will change as follows.
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