​Warning: misleading spam/phishing/virus warning emails!

Warning: misleading spam/phishing/virus warning emails!

The SBGK Attorneys and Patent Attorneys (hereinafter referred to as SBGK) informs you that a number of misleading spam/phishing/virus e-mails with the subject "Infringement of copyrighted images and videos" have been sent on behalf of SBGK.

The emails are sent from different Gmail addresses and the attachment is suspected to contain a virus.

SBGK informs you that it never sends official emails from "@gmail.com". All emails sent by the SBGK are sent by a member of the SBGK who is listed on the website and whose email address has the domain extension "sbgk.hu".

Please delete spam/phishing/virus mails.


SBGK Attorneys at Law and Patent Attorneys