The Hungarian Association for the Protection of Industrial Property and Copyright and the Hungarian Intellectual Property Office co-organized the association's usual autumn IP conference between 5 and 6 November, 2020. Due to the coronavirus epidemic, this year the meeting took place online. Lectures were presented in several blocks - patent law, trademark law, competition law and copyright - with a special focus on the current issues and the latest case law.
Second day of the conference was moderated by SBGK partner,Dr. Péter Lukácsi as the Vice President of the Association responsible for trade mark, competition and design. The second day's program included investing in start-ups, anti-competitive clauses in innovation contracts, recent trademark proceedings pending before the EU Court of Justice, and the most important trademark decisions from last year.
SBGK and its professionals are committed members of the Association, which next conference will take place in the spring of 2021.
You can read more on the Association here.